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- iCHANCE: Chemotoxic/non-radiological contaminants of radioactive wastes
- CCSC: Climate Change in the Safety Case
- KiNa: Kiruna Natural Analogue
- PCCS: Post-Closure Criticality Safety
- LOMIR: Long-Term Monitoring of C-14 Compounds Released During Corrosion of Irradiated Metal
- ACSEPT: Actinide reCycling by SEParation and Transmutation
- PREDIS: Pre-disposal management of radioactive waste
- NF-PRO: Understanding and Physical and Numerical Modelling of the Key Processes in the Near-Field and their Coupling for Different Host Rocks and Repository Strategies
- OBRA: European Observatory for Long-term Governance on Radioactive Waste Management
- FUNMIG: FUNdamental processes of radionuclide MIGration
- EUROTRANS: EUROpean research Programme for the TRANSmutation of high level nuclear waste in an accelerator driven system
- RED-IMPACT: Impact of P and T and Waste Reduction Technologies on the Final Nuclear Waste Disposal
- COWAM In Practice
- EUROPART: EUROpean research program for the PARTitioning of minor actinides and some long-lived fission products from high active wastes issuing from the reprocessing of spent nuclear fuels
- ERICA: Environmental Risk from Ionising Contaminants: Assessment and Management
- ESDRED: Engineering Studies and Demonstrations of Repository Designs
- CND: Co-ordination Network of Decommissioning of Nuclear Installations
- ARGONA: Arenas for Risk Governance
- COWAM 2: Improving the Governance of Nuclear Waste Management and Disposal in Europe
- PETRUS III: Implementing sustainable E&T programmes in the field of Radioactive Wastes Disposal
- CARD: A Co-ordination Action on Research, Development and Demonstration Priorities and Strategies for Geological Disposal
- CROCK: Crystalline rock retention processes
- ROUTES: Waste Management routes in Europe from cradle to grave (EURAD WP)
- UMAN: Understanding of uncertainty, risk and safety (EURAD WP)
- ACED: Assessment of chemical evolution of ILW and HLW disposal cells (EURAD WP)
- CORI: Cement-organic-radionuclide interactions
- DONUT: Development and improvement of numerical methods and tools for modelling coupled processes (EURAD WP)
- FUTURE: Fundamental understanding of radionuclide retention (EURAD WP)
- GAS: Mechanistic understanding of gas transport in clay materials (EURAD WP)
- SFC: Spent fuel characterisation and evolution until disposal (EURAD WP)
- EURAD: European Joint Programme on Radioactive Waste Managment
- HITEC: Influence of temperature on clay-based material behaviour (EURAD WP)
- CATCLAY: Processes of cation migration in clayrocks
- INSOTEC - International Socio-Technical Challenges for Implementing Geological Disposal
- PETRUS II: Towards a European Training Market and Professional Qualification in Geological Disposal
- IPPA: Implementing Public Participation Approaches in Radioactive Waste Disposal
- BIOCLIM: Modelling sequential biosphere systems under climate change for radioactive waste disposal
- PLATENSO: Building a platform for enhanced societal research related to nuclear energy in Central and Eastern Europe
- BORIS: Building confidence in deep disposal using data from the borehole injection sites at Tomsk-7 and Krasnoyarsk-26
- BIOMOSA: Biosphere models for Safety Assessment of radioactive waste disposal based on the application of the Reference Biosphere Methodology
- PAMINA: Performance assessment methodologies in application to guide the development of the safety case
- ReCoSy: Redox Phenomena Controlling Systems
- SKIN: Slow processes in close-to-equilibrium conditions for radionuclides in water/solid systems of relevance to nuclear waste management
- SITEX-II: Sustainable network for Independent Technical EXpertise of radioactive waste disposal - Interactions and Implementation
- SITEX: Sustainable network of Independent Technical EXpertise for radioactive waste disposal
- CARBOWASTE: Treatment and Disposal of Irradiated Graphite and Other Carbonaceous Waste
- LUCOEX: Large Underground Concept Experiments
- TIMODAZ: Thermal Impact on the Damaged Zone Around a Radioactive Waste Disposal in Clay Host Rocks
- FORGE: Fate of Repository Gases
- MICADO: Model Uncertainty for the Mechanism of Dissolution of Spent Fuel in a Nuclear Waste Repository
- PEBS: Long-term performance of Engineered Barrier Systems
- REDUPP: Reducing Uncertainty in Performance Prediction
- SECIGD2: Secretariat of the Implementing Geological Disposal Technology Platform – Phase 2
- SECIGD: Secretariat of the Implementing Geological Disposal Technology Platform
- DOPAS: Full scale Demonstration of Plugs and Seals
- FIRST-Nuclides: Fast/Instant Release of Safety Relevant Radionuclides from Spent Nuclear Fuel
- BELBaR: Bentonite Erosion: effects on the Long term performance of the engineered Barrier and Radionuclide transport
- JOPRAD: JOint Programming on RADioactive waste disposal
- ANNETTE: Advanced Networking for Nuclear Education, Training and Transfer of Expertise
- Modern2020: Development and demonstration of monitoring strategies and technologies for geological disposal
- MoDeRn: Monitoring Developments for Safe Repository Operation and Staged Closure
- BEACON: Bentonite Mechanical Evolution
- MIND: Microbes In Nuclear waste Disposal
- CEBAMA: Cement-based materials, properties, evolution, barrier functions
- CAST: CArbon-14 Source Term
- CHANCE: Characterisation of conditioned nuclear waste for its safe disposal in Europe
- THERAMIN: Thermal treatment for radioactive waste minimisation and reduction
- DISCO: Modern Spent Fuel Dissolution and Chemistry in Failed Containers
- PREDIS final conference, Avignon, France
- General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union (14–19 April 2024)
- EURAD Training course on application of Requirement Management Systems
- Ukrainian experience from exercising radioactive waste management under exceptional conditions"
- School of Geological Disposal - Information and data management in site investigations
- Save the date - EURAD final event
- Clay Conference 2024
- IAEA: Conference on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management, Decommissioning, Environmental Protection and Remediation 2023
- IAEA: Technical Meeting on the Spent Fuel and Radioactive Waste Inventory Tool
- EuroClay 2023, on 24-27 July 2023 in Bari, Italy
- 2nd International DECOVALEX Symposium on Coupled Processes in Radioactive Waste Disposal and Subsurface Engineering Applications
- School of Geological Disposal Siting, Site Investigations and Site Characterisation Online training course - March 2023
- Technical Meeting of the Underground Research Facilities Network for Geological Disposal on Global Progress in Developing Geological Disposal Solutions
- EURAD-2 public webinar #2
- EURAD-2 WP Focus Funnel
- Lunch-and-learn session - Guidance on Cost Assessment and Financing Schemes of Radioactive Waste Management Programmes
- EURAD-2 public webinar #1
- SITEX.Network Topical Day 2022
- General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union (23–28 April 2023)
- EURAD Training Course on Safety Case Development and Review - registration ends soon
- ANDRA innovative program for decommissioning waste management optimization: focus on characterization developments webinar
- EURAD General Assembly #7
- EURAD Training course: Geochemical & Reactive Transport Modelling for Geological Disposal
- ENYGF'23: European Nuclear Young Generation Forum 2023
- Safe ND 2023
- EURAD Lunch-and-learn Session
- NDE NucCon 2023
- International Conference on Environmental Remediation and Radioactive Waste Management® (ICEM® 2023)
- Waste Management Symposium 2023
- IDKM/EGSSC Digital Safety Case Methods and Development Workshop
- DigiDECOM '22
- European Radiation Protection Week 2022
- EURAD Lunch-and-learn Session
- EURAD Lunch-and-learn Session
- EURAD Lunch-and-learn Session
- EURAD Third Annual Event (2023)
- DECAY Days 2022
- IGD-TP Executive Group Meeting 40
- IGD-TP Executive Group Meeting 39
- IGD-TP Executive Group Meeting 38
- IGD-TP Executive Group Meeting 37
- IGD-TP Executive Group Meeting 36
- IGD-TP Executive Group Meeting 35
- IGD-TP Executive Group Meeting 34
- IGD-TP Executive Group Meeting 33
- IGD-TP Executive Group Meeting 32
- RadChem 2022
- EGU22 General Assembly - Session on Deep Geological Repositories - Geosciences in the Site Selection Process
- EURAD Second Annual Event (2022)
- 65th IAEA General Conference, Side event "A generic Roadmap towards implementing a Deep Geologic Repository (DGR)"
- 8th International Workshop on Long-term Prediction of Corrosion in Nuclear Waste Systems (LTC2022)
- Fourth Plenary Meeting of the International Project on Demonstration of the Operational and Long-Term Safety of Geological Disposal Facilities for Radioactive Waste (GEOSAF Part III)
- ERDO Webinar: The Road to Sharing
- ANDRA webinar on innovative projects in support of deep geological disposal
- Waste Management 2022
- Grimsel Training Centre: Engineered Barrier Systems (EBS) – BENTONITE properties and applications
- Grimsel Training Centre: Use of radioactive tracers in URL experiments (input to safety cases)
- Grimsel Training Centre: From RD&D Requirements to In-situ Experiments – How to Design and Setup URL Experiments
- IGD-TP Symposium and Webinar: The role of optimisation in radioactive waste geological disposal programmes
- ENYGF'21: European Nuclear Young Generation Forum 2021
- First EURAD Annual Event (2021)
- 2021 General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union (vEGU21)
- COVRA online seminar launching their new geological disposal research programme
- IAEA 2021 International Conference on Radioactive Waste Management: Solutions for a Sustainable Future
- DAEF 2022: 3rd Conference on Key Topics in Geological Disposal
- WM2021: Reducing Risk Through Sound Technical Solutions
- International Conference on Environmental Remediation and Radioactive Waste Management® (ICEM® 2021)
- International Conference on Geological Repositories (ICGR): Advancing Geological Repositories from Concept to Operation
- Workshop on Developing Safety Cases for Various Radioactive Waste Disposal Facilities - Needs and Challenges of RWMC Organisations
- Introductory Course on EURAD and Radioactive Waste Management
- Grimsel Training Centre: Engineered Barrier System (EBS) / Bentonite Course 2020
- JRC Training Course on SNF Experiments
- 3rd Annual Meeting of the DisCo Project
- ThermoChimie Public Meeting
- Nuclear Energy: Challenges and Prospects - International Scientific and Technical Conference
- BEACON Project WP2 Workshop
- Third Annual Meeting and General Assembly of the BEACON Project (2020)
- The Nuclear Materials Conference (NuMat2020)
- EURAD School for Radioactive Waste Management 2020
- European Radiation Protection 2020 (ERPW2020)
- Safe and sustainable back-end of the fuel cycle conference (SSFC 2020)
- IGD-TP Executive Group Meeting 31
- International Conference on Geological barrier systems, Host rock characterization and Site selection relevant to underground repositories
- 43rd Annual Symposium on the Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management
- SKB School of Geological Disposal 2019
- Grimsel Training Centre: In-situ Testing and Hydraulic Characterisation in URL Course
- Grimsel Training Centre: From geophysical field data to geological models – theory and hands-on workshop
- Waste Management 2020
- IGSC Symposium 2019
- IGD-TP Executive Group Meeting 30
- IGD-TP Executive Group Meeting 29
- DECOVALEX Symposium on Coupled Processes in Radioactive Waste Disposal and Subsurface Engineering Applications
- INSIDER Mid-term Workshop
- THERAMIN Conference 2020
- THERAMIN Technical Training School
- ICNC 2019
- Second DISCO Annual Project Meeting
- Safe and Sustainable Fuel Cycle Back-End
- IHLRWM 2019
- 8th International Clay Conference
- CHANCE Topical Day
- Waste Management 2019
- CEBAMA Final Workshop and International Conference
- FISA 2019 and EURADWASTE '19
- IGD-TP Exchange Forum 8
- SKB School of Geological Disposal
- First Modern2020 Monitoring Training School
- Modern2020 Project - 2nd International Conference on Monitoring in Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste
- Modern2020 Work Package 4 Workshop
- Final BEACON Annual Project Meeting
- First CHANCE General Assembly
- Advanced training course: Geomicrobiology in radioactive waste disposal
- Second BEACON Annual Project Meeting
- First BEACON Annual Project Meeting
- IGSC Symposium 2018
- 4th Modern2020 General Assembly
- Third Cebama Annual Project Workshop
- First DISCO Annual Project Workshop
- Final MIND Annual Project Meeting
- 3rd MIND Annual Project Meeting
- SaltMech IX
- RadChem 2018
- European Geosciences Union 2018
- The last CAST General Assembly Meeting
- First CHANCE End User Group meeting
- JOPRAD Final Workshop
- From nuclear data to a reliable estimate of spent fuel decay heat
- 1st Exchange Forum
- 2nd Exchange Forum
- 3rd Exchange Forum
- 4th Exchange Forum
- 5th Exchange Forum
- 6th Exchange Forum
- 7th Exchange Forum
Research areas
- Key Topic 1: Post-closure Safety Case
- Key Topic 2: Wasteforms and their Behaviour
- Key Topic 3: Technical Feasibility and Long-term Performance
- Key Topic 4: Implementation and Optimisation
- Key Topic 5: Construction and Operational Safety
- Key Topic 6: Monitoring
- Key Topic 7: Methodologies for Site Characterisation
- Key Topic 8: Strategy for Repository Project Development
- Key Topic 9: Knowledge Management
- Education and Training
- Other IGD-TP Activities