
The main objective of the IGD-TP is to initiate and carry out collaborative actions in Europe to facilitate the stepwise implementation of safe, deep geological disposal of spent fuel, high-level waste, and other long-lived radioactive waste by solving the remaining scientific, technological and social challenges, and thereby supporting Member State waste management programmes.  The IGD-TP intends to enhance confidence in the solutions and implementation of geological disposal, to reduce overlapping work, to produce savings in the total cost of Research, Development and Demonstration (RD&D), and to make better use of existing competences and research infrastructures.

To this end, the IGD-TP developed its Strategic Research Agenda (SRA), which was first published in 2011 following public consultation, and revised in 2020 to remain in line with the updated IGD-TP Vision, “Vision 2040”, that was published concurrently.  The SRA is dedicated to identifying the main RD&D issues that need a co-ordinated effort, particularly those for which enhanced co-operation within the IGD-TP is considered desirable and practically achievable.  Research areas identified in the SRA are listed below.  An overview is provided for each research area along with its objectives in order to achieve Vision 2040.  A brief summary of relevant collaborative activities and projects involving work performed by IGD-TP members that is undertaken in each research area is provided.

While the research activities and projects summarised on this website are those that involve collaboration between IGD-TP members and seek to address RD&D issues identified in the SRA, the IGD-TP encourages all activities that support our Vision and the SRA.

Our Research Areas