2021 General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union (vEGU21)
19th April 2021 to 30th April 2021
Online Event
The 2021 General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union (vEGU) will be a fully virtual meeting that will provide as full a representation of the experience that EGU members enjoy at the annual meeting in Vienna as possible.
For the fourth time, there will be a session entitled “Towards a safe nuclear waste repository – assessment of barrier integrity, geoscientific, technological, societal and regulatory challenges and approaches“. The predecessor sessions were successful in bringing together scientists involved in research concerning deep geologic disposal with others from relevant, especially geoscientific, disciplines, to exchange results, views and experiences.
Abstract Submission
Abstracts will be accepted until 13 January 2021 at 13:00 Central European Time. For instructions on how to submit an abstract, please click here.
UPDATE 12/01/2021:
The EGU Programme Committee acknowledges that it has been a difficult beginning of the year for many of us, with new measures in place in many countries and adjustments to be made in our daily lives.
Therefore, due to the continuing and escalating difficulties for our community around the globe, the #vEGU21 abstract submission deadline is being extended by one week to Wednesday, 20 January at 13:00 CET.