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  • EURAD-2: European Joint Programme on Radioactive Waste Management

EURAD-2: European Joint Programme on Radioactive Waste Management

EURAD aims to implement a joint Strategic Programme of research and knowledge management activities at the European level, bringing together and complementing EU Member State programmes in order to ensure cutting-edge knowledge creation and preservation in view of delivering safe, sustainable and publicly acceptable solutions for the management of radioactive waste across Europe now and in the future. It promotes more effective and efficient public RD&D funding in Europe, and a deepening of research-cooperation between Member States.


Project Status: Ongoing

Project Website: www.ejp-eurad.eu

After five years of implementation the EURAD(-1) vision is still alive and valid, EURAD-2 builds upon EURAD(-1) and PREDIS to further implement a joint strategic programme of research & development, strategic studies and knowledge management activities at the European level, bringing together and complementing EU Member States’ programmes in order to ensure cutting edge knowledge creation and preservation in view of delivering safe, responsible and publicly acceptable solutions for the management of radioactive waste throughout all programme phases (from “cradle to grave”) across Europe now and in the future.

EURAD-2 supports the implementation of the Waste Directive in EU Member-States, taking into account the various stages of advancement of national programmes, the differences in capabilities and inventories.

EURAD-2 gathers Waste Management Organisations (WMOs), Technical Support Organisations (TSOs) and Research Entities (REs) from Member-States

  • with no nuclear power programme operating, but with research, training or demonstration reactors, and/or other sources of radioactive waste;
  • with a nuclear programme;
  • with different amounts of radioactive waste to manage;
  • at different stages of advancement in the implementation of their national radioactive waste management programme; and
  • with plans for geological disposal for spent fuel, high-level waste and long-lived intermediate level waste, with different host rocks and different disposal concepts and at different stages of implementation.

EURAD-2 Vision

The vision of EUARD(-1) is carried forward into EURAD-2:

A step change in European collaboration towards safe radioactive waste management (RWM), including disposal, through the development of a robust and sustained science, technology and knowledge management programme that supports timely implementation of RWM activities and serves to foster mutual understanding and trust between Joint Programme participants.


EURAD-2 Vision, Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) and Roadmap will be delivered through 5-year implementation phases broken down into a set of Work Packages, Tasks and Sub-Tasks. The following four types of activities shall contribute deliver against EURAD objectives.