This page shows all the publicly-available posters presented at the IGD-TP Symposium. Please see the event programme for the poster abstracts and author contact details.
SRA Topic 1. Post-closure Safety Case
01. Design and Performance Assessment of
Engineered Barrier Systems in a Salt Repository for
Eric Simo, Edward N. Matteo, Kristopher L Kuhlman, Richard S. Jayne, Paola León Vargas, Philipp Herold
02. Sensitivity Analysis in Repository Performance
Assessment: Findings from an International
Elmar Plischke, Klaus-Jürgen Röhlig, Dirk- Alexander Becker
03. The OpenGeoSys Software Framework for Reactive
Transport and Chemo-mechanical Modeling in Deep
Geological Disposal
Vanessa Montoya, Jaime Garibay- Rodriguez, Renchao Lu, Dmitri Naumov, Keita Yoshioka, Olaf Kolditz
04. High-resolution Characterization of the Induced
Fracture Network Around Galleries in the Callovo-
Oxfordian Clay using Discrete Fracture Network
Ralf Brauchler, Mohammadreza Jalali, Rémi de la Vaissière, Médéric Piedevache, Axayacatl Maqueda, Sacha Reinhardt
05. Development of a Database for Radionuclide
Sorption on Clay and Cement Systems in Support to
Radioactive Waste Management
David García, A. Valls, D. Pérez, M. López-García, A. Nardi, S. Brassinnes, L. Duro
06. Safety Case for Disposal System Optimisation,
L&ILW disposal at Bátaapáti, Hungary
Péter Molnár, Gyula Dankó, Bálint Nős, Tamás Takács
07. Novel Coupled Modelling Approach for Total
System Performance Assessment in GoldSim
Zoltan Bothi, Tamas Olasz, Anna Ditroi, Anna Katzer, Melinda Wieser, Attila Baksay
SRA Topic 2. Wasteforms and their Behaviour
09. Treatment and Conditioning of the Radioactive
Solid Organic Waste within the PREDIS Project
Thierry Mennecart
10. Research within the CORI WP in EURAD: Optimized
Understanding of Cement-Organics-Radionuclide-
Marcus Altmaier, D. Garcia, P. Henocq, N. Mace, T. Missana, D. Ricard, J. Vandenborre
11. Activities in the Context of the Characterization of
Legacy Waste within the ERDO Association
Nadia Cherubini, Riccardo Levizzari, Giuseppe A. Marzo, Giorgio Mingrone, Michela Raio
12. Alternative Conditioning Materials for Disposal of
Decommissioning Radioactive Waste Project
Petr Večerník, Václava Havlová, David Dobrev, Petr Fabián, Milan Kouřil, Patricie Halodová, Alena Ševců
13. Monitoring and Digital Tools for Pre-disposal
Handling of Cemented Wastes
Vera Lay, Ernst Niederleithinger, Christian Köpp and PREDIS WP7-team
SRA Topic 3. Technical Feasibility and Long-term Performance
14. New Materials and Innovative Monitoring for Safe Sealing Structures in Underground Repositories
Vera Lay, Franziska Baensch, Detlef Hofmann, Frank Mielentz, Patrick Sturm, Prathik Prabhakara, Sergej Johann, Hans-Carsten Kühne, Ernst Niederleithinger
15. Pilot Material Corrosion Test in URF Bukov
Markéta Dohnálková
16. Simulating in the Laboratory an in situ Engineered Barrier Heating Experiment
M.V. Villar, R.J. Iglesias, C. Gutiérrez-Álvarez, Florian Kober
17. Preliminary Design of a Czech Waste Disposal Package for Spent Nuclear Fuel
Lucie Hausmannova, Lukáš Vondrovic
18. The EURAD EU Project FUTURE: Fundamental Understanding of Radionuclide Retention
Sergey V. Churakov, Vaclava Havlova, Dirk Bosbach, Norbert Maes, Martin Glaus, Cornelius Fischer, Rainer Dahn, Sylvain Grangeon, Maria Marques Fernandes
19. Michigan International Copper Analogue (MICA) Project – Assessment of Long-term Behaviour of Copper in Repository Relevant Environments
Heini Reijonen, Ismo Aaltonen, Axel Liebscher, Christina Lilja, Simon Norris, Peter Keech, Nikitas Diomidis, Xuan Liu
20. Engineered Barrier 200C
Jiří Svoboda, Radek Vašíček, David Mašín, Jan Najser, František Laufek, Lenka Rukavičková, Jaroslav Kruis, Jiří Šťástka, Jiří Mikeš
SRA Topic 4. Implementation and/or Optimisation
21. EURAD HITEC – Influence of Temperature on the Behaviour of Clay-based Materials
Markus Olin, Dragan Grgic, Jiří Svoboda
22. Optimisation of Radiological Protection Applied to the Development and Implementation of a DGR – The SITEX.Network Standpoint
Frédéric Bernier, J. Miksova, M. Rocher, V. Detilleux, W. Pfingsten, D. Pellegrini, N. Zeleznik and J. Swahn
23. Study of Existing Chemical Decontamination Methods of Radioactive Metals with a View on their Optimization
Aditya Rivonkar, T. Suzuki-Muresan, M. Robin, R. Katona, A. Abdelouas, M. Mokili
24. Supporting Implementation and Optimisation of Nuclear Waste Disposal by Developing and Improving Numerical Methods and Tools for Modelling Coupled Processes
Francis Claret, G. Pepin, C. Cances, O. Kolditz, N. Prasianakis, A. Baksay, D. Lukin
25. The Role of Excellent Science in Geological Disposal System Optimization – View and Perspectives from EuradScience
Christophe Bruggeman, Marcus Altmaier, Daniel Galson
26. Development of Decontamination Process for Metallic Radioactive Effluents using Hydroxyde Precipitation
Mathurin Robin, A. Rivonkar, T. Suzuki-Muresan, A. Abdelouas, M. Mokili
27. Optimization of Quality Assured Thermodynamic Understanding for Use in Performance Assessment of Nuclear Waste Disposal
Xavier Gaona, B. Grambow, M. Altmaier, L. Duro, D. Bosbach, H. Geckeis
29. Optimization Methodology Based on a Probabilistic Approach for the Design of Radioactive Waste Disposal Facilities
Ryo Nakabayashi, Daisuke Sugiyama, Shingo Tanaka
30. A Series of Experiments Aimed at the Verification of the Behaviour of Engineered Barriers
Jiří Šťástka
SRA Topic 6. Monitoring
31. MODATS – Monitoring Equipment and Data Treatment for Safe Repository Operation and Staged Closure
Johan Bertrand, Martin Schoenball, Matt White, Kateryna Fuzik, Johanna Hansen, Edgar Bohner, Mansueto Morosini
SRA Topic 7. Methodologies for Site Characterisation
32. Multicriterial Site Assessment of Potential Deep Geological Repository Sites in the Czech Republic: Requirements for Site Characterization Techniques
Lukáš Vondrovic
SRA Topic 8. Strategy for Repository Project Development
33. ERDO – Dual-track for Optimized Radioactive Waste Management
Marja Vuorio, Ewoud Verhoef, Ole Kastbjerg Nielsen, Håvard Kristiansen
34. Towards Harmonised Practices, Regulations and Standards in Waste Management and Decommissioning (EU-HARPERS)
Réka Szőke, Erika Holt, Elke Jacops
SRA Topic 9. Knowledge Management
35. EURAD: the European Joint Collaboration Towards Safe Radioactive Management
Louise Théodon, Tara Beattie, Paul Carbol, Michelle Cowley, Bernd Grambow, Elisabeth Salat and Piet Zuidema
36. EURAD Knowledge Management & Networking Programme
Paul Carbol, Tara Beattie, Bernd Grambow, Tobias Knuuti, Louise Théodon, Piet Zuidema
37. State-of-Knowledge & Guidance in EURAD Knowledge Management (Work Packages 11 State-of-Knowledge & 12 Guidance)
Alexandru Tatomir, Tobias Knuuti, Astrid Göbel, Carola Franzen, Dinara Abbasova, Thuro Arnold, Vinzenz Brendler, Kateryna Fuzik, Jiří Faltejsek, Bálint Nős, Nadja Železnik, Jitka Mikšová
38. EURAD’s Training & Mobility and Interactions with Civil Society
Niels Belmans, Julien Dewoghélaëre, Jitka Mikšová, Paul Carbol, Michèle Coeck
39. Knowledge Management in Pre-disposal of Radioactive Waste (PREDIS EU Project)
Vaclava Havlova, Alba Valls, Paul Carbol, Erika Holt, Maria Oksa, Anthony Banford, Abdesselam Abdelous, Maxime Fournier, Thierry Mennecart, Ernst Niederleithinger, Jenny Kent, Rosa Lo Frano
40. Facilitating Knowledge Transfer Between More Advanced Programmes and Early-stage Programmes: IAEA’s Roadmap for Implementing a Geological Repository Programme
Karina Lange, Stefan J. Mayer, Haeryong Jung