This page shows the slides presented at the IGD-TP Symposium, as well as videos of each session. Please see the event programme for the abstracts and author contact details.
Welcome and Session 1: The role of optimisation in selected national geological disposal programmes
00.01 The IGD-TP vision and the strategic research agenda; why this is the right time for this symposium
Irina Gaus (Nagra, Switzerland)
01.01 Optimisation process of deep geological disposal (Cigéo project) in the French context: from feasibility principle to licensing application then progressive development of operation
Pascal Claude Leverd (ANDRA, France)
01.02 The role of optimisation in Posiva’s programme
Tiina Jalonen (Posiva; Finland)
01.03 COVRA – Optimisation through international initiatives
Marja Vuorio (COVRA, ERDO; the Netherlands)
Session 2: Lessons learned from optimisation in large infrastructure projects
02.01 Prague City Ring Road – transport engineering construction for the metropolis of the 21st century
Alexandr Butovič (CTU, Czech Republic)
02.02 Application of optimisation to decommissioning at the UK Trawsfynydd nuclear power station – delivery of an optimised site end state
Dan Galson (GSL, UK)
02.03 Success criteria and success factors for the optimal planning, construction and operation of large infrastructure systems
Heinz Ehrbar (Heinz Ehrbar Partners llc, Switzerland)
Session 3: Technology and material optimisation
03.01 Optimisation of canister design and its lifetime assessment: state of the art and plans within the EURAD CONCORD work package
Nikitas Diomidis (Nagra, Switzerland)
03.02 Container Requirements for High-level Radioactive Waste Disposal in Rock Salt, Claystone, and Crystalline Rock – Outcomes of the Research Project KoBrA
Holger Völzke (BAM, Germany)
03.03 Optimisation in Posiva EBS clay component design – segmented buffer, granular backfill, mixture of crushed rock and bentonite in central tunnels
Johanna Hansen (Posiva, Finland)
03.04 Value Engineering – How to reinvent yourself
Johan Hedlund (SKB, Sweden)
03.05 Technical enhancement of wasteforms and their behaviour with the PREDIS project on predisposal waste management
Erika Holt (VTT, Finland)
03.06 Optimization enabled digital twinning of radioactive waste repositories
Henning Wessels (TUB, Germany)
Session 4: Integrating optimisation for safety
04.01 Optimisation and the safety case: what have we learnt in the Integration Group for the Safety Case Context
Lucy Bailey (NWS, UK)
04.02 The hybrid and complex nature of the optimization principle: from radiological protection to safety, from ALARA to SAHARA
Christophe Depaus (ONDRAF/NIRAS, Belgium)
04.03 Graded development of geological disposal towards optimised solution
Anne Kontula (TVO, Finland)
Session 5: Global optimisation approaches – concepts and numerical applications
05.01 Optimisation of the thermal aspects of a generic high-level waste repository through Pareto front analysis
Andreas Poller (CSD Engineers, Switzerland)
05.02 ONDRAF/NIRAS geological disposal facility layout update: an optimisation-based approach for the conceptual design
Didier Léonard (ONDRAF/NIRAS, Belgium)
05.03 Optimisation of thermal dimensioning of the Cigéo project: operational goal and scientific key issues
Jean-Michel Bosgiraud (ANDRA, France)