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  • Release of safety relevant radionuclides from spent nuclear fuel under deep disposal conditions (SAREC)

Release of safety relevant radionuclides from spent nuclear fuel under deep disposal conditions (SAREC)

SAREC is an RD&D Work Package (WP) within EURAD-2.


The aim is to provide data that allows re-evaluation of the current approaches to release of safety relevant radionuclides in post closure safety assessments. This will clarify what approaches are overly pessimistic and what approaches need to be adjusted to better represent expected radionuclide release in the repository environment.

In order to do this an improved mechanistic understanding is required, as well as quantification of the radionuclide source term for different fuel types. Carefully designed experiments with advanced experimental set-ups and improved analytical methods for activation- and fission products will increase the system understanding and give confidence in the proposed release values and models.

The studies shall be focused on representative fuel, operated at representative reactor conditions, relevant for WMOs at a European level.

Efforts shall be made to adapt the experimental protocols to allow for comparison between studies performed at different laboratories whilst still utilizing the strengths at the individual laboratories.


The objective of this WP is improved quantification and mechanistic understanding of the release of safety relevant radionuclides covering most representative types of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) and of the fuel evolution both prior and posterior to contact with ground water to better predict the radionuclide source term for post-closure safety assessment.