Celebrating our 10th birthday – IGD-TP Newsletter 9 is out now!
This month marks the 10th anniversary of the IGD-TP! To celebrate a special edition of the IGD-TP newsletter, Issue 9, has been published. Please download it from here.
The IGD-TP newsletter aims to keep all interested parties informed on the activities of the IGD-TP, including technical projects, past and upcoming events, as well as provide updates from IGD-TP members and the wider community.
This special edition takes a look back at what has been achieved and where the IGD-TP goes from here. This includes announcement of the new IGD-TP Vision up to 2040, which considers the next step towards industrialisation of radioactive waste disposal in Europe. The focus lies on the safe operation of the first geological disposal facilities in Europe, the required optimisation, and the development of individual solutions to meet the requirements of the diverse range of waste inventories we have in the various countries and programmes in Europe.