IGD-TP Exchange Forum 2025 – First Announcement
Save the date!
We are delighted to announce that the IGD-TP will hold its 10th international Exchange Forum on research and development (R&D) challenges in geological disposal programmes for radioactive waste. Hosted by SÚRAO in November 2025, the event is open to all IGD-TP members and stakeholders interested in geological disposal of radioactive waste.
Geological disposal projects are first-of-a-kind projects, span several decades, and are multi-billion endeavours. National waste management organisations (WMOs) are at different stages on the path to implementing geological disposal and each stage (site selection and investigation, licensing, construction and operation) has particular challenges. The national WMOs will share R&D challenges that each is facing in their current activities and how these are being approached. The Exchange Forum is an opportunity to share lessons learnt and to discuss future research plans.
Our 10th Exchange Forum provides an excellent opportunity to:
- Discuss new issues and the status of WMO programmes.
- Discover emerging geological disposal R&D.
- Explore the potential for collaborative research with IGD-TP members and the broader radioactive waste community.
- Take advantage of great networking opportunities.
- Visit research and disposal facilities in the Czech Republic.
- Experience the wonderful city of Prague.
You can find out more information in the first announcement and on the dedicated IGD-TP Exchange Forum 2025 webpage. We look forward to seeing you there!