Grimsel Training Centre: Site selection for Deep Geological Repository, focus on drilling campaign – processes and lessons learned
13th October 2025 to 17th October 2025
Nagra offers a 5-day workshop on the process of Site selection for a Deep Geological Repository, with specific focus on planning, conducing and organising a drilling campaign.
The flyer for the workshop can be found: Flyer GTC 2025_Siting and Drilling_13-17.10.25 at Nagra
Focus of the workshop is to promote exchange among participants and with Nagra Tutors. The participants will have the chance to meet and share experience with Nagra’s Project Managers directly involved in the siting selection process. The course aims to impart “hands-on” practical knowledge, with specific focus on processes and lessons learned.
Further details are available on the Grimsel Training Centre website.