SKB School of Geological Disposal 2019
14th October 2019 to 18th October 2019
SKB International announces the “School of Geological Disposal” to be held 14-18 October 2019, at the Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory, Sweden.
The full registration form is to be submitted by 1 August 2019.

SKB International and SKB are delighted to once again offer a scientific training course covering important issues governing a national nuclear waste disposal programme. The course from last year has been slightly updated based on last year’s experiences and feedback.
Based on the experiences gained by SKB during the past 40 years the course will present the planning and execution of a successful programme. The starting point is a strategic and graded approach with an early safety prediction via detailed understanding of processes, research achievements and gains in correctly defined targets and how this leads to a communicative safety case based on a solid and well defined safety assessment.
The course is given by senior experts from SKB, many with world renowned reputation in their field, and will cover the relevant topics for geological disposal of nuclear waste. The course programme will launch from the fundamentals of safety assessment and its defined safety functions. We will present SKB’s experiences and knowledge based on selective research, successful experiments confirming assumptions and share experiences gained from failures. The lectures and discussions will provide extensive, profound information coupled to cutting edge applications when applicable. We aim to transfer theoretical knowledge and practical experience to the course participants efficiently and effectively all in an informal and inclusive atmosphere encouraging open discussions and networking.
Study visits will be held to:
- Central Interim Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel – Clab
- Canister Laboratory and Instrument workshop
- Äspö Research Village
- Chemistry laboratory
- Multipurpose test facility
- Material science laboratory
- Hard Rock Laboratory (URL)
Further Information
When: 14-18 October 2019
Time: One full work-week, 08:00-17:00
Location: Äspö Research village, accommodation in Oskarshamn
Price: €4000, including lunches & local transport, one dinner
The latest course information pack (July 2019) is available here.
Full course details and a registration form are available at SKB web site:
For further information contact:
Related Documents
SKB School of Geological Disposal – July 2019 information pack
Description: SKB School of Geological Disposal information pack (published July 2019)
Last updated: July 15, 2019