EURAD-2 WP Focus Funnel

16th March 2023 to 17th March 2023

Registration is needed EURAD-2 Focus Funnel event (

In conjunction of EURAD week 2023 the planning of EURAD-2 will continue

To attend this event, participant will be asked to pay a registration fee of 60€ (covering meeting rooms and catering). All costs associated to the FF attendance are not eligible for EURAD or PREDIS project reimbursement.
The aim of this event is to provide an opportunity to get connected, advance the process, share latest progress and mainly to discuss ideas of future work packages to help the Colleges in refining the scope of the work packages to issue a final list of work packages. There will be parallel sessions, structured by the EURAD SRA Themes, identified on the WP ideas templates. Based on the WP idea proposals suggested by the Colleges, the Core Group will invite presenters to pitch the grouped WP scopes. Presenters will be selected based on named persons on the WP idea templates. A moderated panel discussion on the scope of the work will allow for other comments and ideas to be shared by the audience members. The expected outcome from the FF sessions will be a route forward for refinement of the WP descriptions. This will help the Colleges define the final list of WPs to be selected by June 2023. The development of the WP details regarding scope, roles, partners and budgets will still be refined through summer.

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