EURAD School for Radioactive Waste Management 2020
22nd January 2020 to 24th January 2020
EURAD School for Radioactive Waste Management
Multiphysical couplings in geomechanics: a focus on thermal effect and gas transfer impact on the behaviour of geomaterials
22 – 24 January 2020
Liège University, Belgium
For more details, visit the website here.
The EURAD School is organized within the framework of EURAD, the European Joint Programme on Radioactive Waste Management (grant agreement No 847593). Its objectives are to develop and consolidate relevant knowledge for the safe start of operation of the first geological disposal facilities for spent fuel, HLW, and other long-lived radioactive waste, and to support optimization linked with the step-wise implementation of disposal.
This training course relates to two work packages (WPs) of EURAD, namely WP GAS and WP HITEC. In both GAS and HITEC, geomechanics plays a significant role in the understanding of the relevant thermo-hydro-mechanical couplings taking place around the disposal. The objective of the course is therefore to provide the state-of-the-art knowledge on basic concepts related to the thermo-hydro-mechanical (multi-physical) couplings, the physical impacts of thermal loading, and the mechanistic understanding of gas migration.
Learning outcomes
After completion of the course, participants will have a broad view on the state-of-the-art and the challenges related to the GAS and HITEC research programme.
In particular, the attendees will be able to:
• Understand the thermo-hydro-mechanical (multi-physical) couplings in geomaterials;
• Understand the fundamentals on constitutive modelling of the relevant phenomena;
• Identify the challenges in numerical modelling of these physical processes;
• Recognize and discuss the experimental evidences at the laboratory scale;
• Analyze the physical processes thanks to in-situ tests.
Target Audience
This EURAD training course is organized for members of institutions active in the EURAD project. It particularly welcomes PhD students and junior researchers. Participants will meet key researchers and experts in the matters treated in GAS and HITEC. The number of participants will be limited to 80.
Programme & registration
The detailed programme is available here.
Registration via the website is possible until 9 December 2019, free of charge.